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Year 3

Welcome to the Year 3 Class Page!

Welcome to our class page! I am thrilled to have the opportunity to teach your wonderful children. We have an exciting year ahead, filled with lots of learning and fun activities. From exploring new topics to developing important skills, I am confident that your child will have a rewarding and enriching experience.

To keep you informed and involved, I will be regularly updating our class blog on Microsoft Sway with all the exciting things we’re doing. Please keep an eye on it to see what we’ve been learning, and to stay connected with our classroom adventures.

Thank you for your support, I’m looking forward to a fantastic year together.

Warm Regards,

Mrs Massey

Year 3 Class Teacher


Year 3 Team

Curriculum Overview


In Year 3 we will continue to develop our English skills, we will read a variety of books, including 'Marcy and the Riddle of the Sphinx', 'Pugs of the Frozen North', 'Oi, Cave Boy!' and 'The Iron Man'. We will work on understanding themes, characters, and settings, and begin to use evidence from the text to support our ideas.

We will practise our cursive handwriting making sure we are joining letters correctly. In our writing, we will focus on creating clear, well-structured sentences and paragraphs. We will learn to plan, draft, and edit our work, we will also explore different writing genres, such as stories, reports, and poems. We will continue to develop our understanding of spelling patterns and rules, as well as mastering conjunctions, adverbs, prepositions, and correct punctuation like commas, apostrophes, and speech marks.


In Year 3 our Maths focuses on building a deep understanding of foundational concepts, helping your child to develop confidence and fluency in mathematics.

We will develop a solid understanding of numbers up to 1,000. They will learn to read, write, compare, and order numbers, as well as understand the value of each digit. We will build on our knowledge of addition and subtraction, using formal written methods for two- and three-digit numbers. We will also solve problems involving these operations, applying their understanding to real-life situations.

Children will build their times table knowledge and begin to master their 3, 4, and 8 times tables and use them to solve multiplication and division problems, including those with remainders, and start to understand the relationship between these two operations.

Later in the year, we will be introduced to fractions as numbers and quantities. They will learn to recognise, find, and write fractions of a set of objects, as well as begin to compare and order fractions with the same denominator. We will work on measuring length, mass, volume, and time more accurately, using appropriate units. They will also solve problems involving money, including giving change, and learn to calculate perimeter and area of simple shapes.

We will also explore shapes and their properties, focusing on recognising and drawing 2D shapes and understanding the basics of 3D shapes.


In Year 3, we will embark on an exciting journey of scientific discovery. Our curriculum covers a wide range of fascinating topics. Over the course of the year, we will be learning all about: 

Rocks and Soils: We will explore different types of rocks and soils, learning about their properties and uses. We will even get to examine real rock samples and investigate how fossils are formed.

Light: Discovering the wonders of light, learning about how it travels, how shadows are formed, and the importance of light in our everyday lives.

Animals Including Humans: We will explore the amazing world of animals and humans, focusing on nutrition, skeletons, and muscles, learning how our bodies work and what we need to stay healthy and strong.

States of Matter: We will examine the different states of matter—solids, liquids, and gases, conducting hands-on experiments to observe how materials change state with temperature.

Forces: We will delve into the world of forces and magnets, learning how things move, how magnets work, and the effects of different forces in our everyday lives.

To make science even more engaging, we will take part in STEM week,  filled with interactive activities, experiments, and visits from exciting guest speakers. It’s a fantastic opportunity for your child to dive deeper into science.


In RE we will explore the rich and diverse world of religion, focusing on Christianity and Hinduism. Through stories, discussions, and activities, we will gain a deeper understanding of these two major world religions:

We will build on the children’s knowledge about the key beliefs and practices of Christianity, further exploring important Christian festivals and understanding the significance of the Bible. We will continue to learn about the life and teachings of Jesus.

We will be introduced to the vibrant and colourful world of Hinduism. We will learn about key Hindu beliefs, such as karma, dharma, and reincarnation, and explore the various gods and goddesses in Hindu tradition. Throughout the year, we will have the opportunity to reflect on the similarities and differences between these religions, helping them to develop a respectful and informed understanding of different faiths. Our RE curriculum encourages curiosity, open-mindedness, and respect for the diverse beliefs and traditions that shape our world.

History and Geography

In Year 3, your child will embark on an exciting journey through history, exploring some of the most fascinating periods and themes.

We’ll begin the year by delving into the world of Ancient Egypt. Your child will learn about the incredible achievements of this ancient civilization, including the building of the pyramids, the significance of the pharaohs, and the process of mummification. They’ll explore the daily life, religion, and culture of the Ancient Egyptians, bringing this fascinating era to life.

Next, we’ll travel back in time to explore Britain’s prehistoric past, from the Stone Age through to the Iron Age. Students will discover how early humans lived, how they adapted to their environment, and how their way of life evolved over thousands of years. We’ll look at the development of tools and the transition from hunter-gatherers to settled farming communities. We will also take an exciting trip to Creswell Crags.

This year’s history curriculum is designed to ignite your child’s curiosity about the past, helping them to understand how ancient peoples lived and how their innovations and challenges have shaped the world we know today.


In addition to our history topics, your child will also explore geography, learning about France, focusing on it’s rivers and mountains.


Please ensure your child has their reading book and reading record in school every day.

PE is on Wednesdays


Your child should come to school in their PE kit on these days.

Spellings will be given out every other Friday

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