School Council
A school council is a group of students who are elected to represent the views of all the pupils and to improve their school. The school council meets with Mrs Anderton to discuss ideas to improve our school further.
Members of the school council are Responsible for carrying out the ideas that have been agreed, such as planning Discos, writing newspaper articles, or meeting with other staff.
Our school councillors are:
• Reliable
• Happy to listen and share others ideas
• Willing to write letters to helpful people, or phone them.

I am the Secretary of our School Council so I make notes at every meeting so we remember what we need to discuss each time. I will be a good role model for younger children in the school as I am sensible and kind. I would like to hear everybody’s suggestions on improving our school to make sure people are happy.

I want to inspire people. I will help to pass on ideas to make our school an even happier place to be.

Roman B
I am the Chair of our School Council so I lead the meetings and make sure everyone gets a chance to give their views. I want school to be a place where no one feels left out. Everyone deserves to have fun!

I feel that I am kind and helpful and I think of others. This means I will make good choices to help everyone be happy in school.

I am proud to represent our school in our School Council. I will encourage people to do their best and will make fair decisions.

I am a good listener and want to help charities make money for good causes. I will help give ideas to make our school a happy place to be for everyone.

I am looking forward to help improve the education of all pupils in school and raising a lot of money for good causes.

I am looking forward to helping to make school even better and make good decisions, thinking of everybody.

I am good at listening to others. I want to help school make good decisions for everyone.

I am proud to be a School Councillor. I will help to make school a really great place so that everyone is happy.