Family Support
Hello! My name is Becki Yeomans. I am a Child and Family Support Worker based in Meriden CE Primary School.
I am there to provide support to families on many issues they may encounter and offer guidance and advice where appropriate or sign post them to organisations that may be of benefit to them.
This service is for anyone, no worry is ever
too small, but families who could benefit
from this support include those affected by:
Difficulties or changes at home such as bereavement, separation or divorce.
Challenging or difficult behaviour of children in school or in the home.
I am also a DSL - Designated Safeguarding Lead. Your child's safety and well-being is our priority and I will help deal and support with any safeguarding issues that arise.
How can you contact me?
Catch me on the gate in the morning, speak to the any member of teaching staff or telephone the school office on 01676 522488 and I will arrange an appointment to suit you. You can also email me
Information for parents:
Solihull Parenting Team - Sources of support and advice
Mental health workshops

I am...
An active listener
A supporter
Someone that speaks on the child’s behalf
Advice and referral to other services is also available:-
Understanding your child’s behaviour
Parenting advice, e.g. routines, eating habits, bed wetting
Family separations
Debt counselling