‘I have come so that you may have life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10)
At Meriden Church of England Primary School, through an ethos underpinned by the Christian faith and values, we provide the children with a curriculum which is broad and well balanced, nurturing and enabling all pupils to live safe, active and healthy lives to ensure they live a full life in mind, body, heart and spirit. Through practical and appropriate learning experiences, we nurture pupils’ sense of curiosity, enquiry, awe and wonder. We promote high expectations and expect pupils to have pride in themselves as learners.
Throughout their time at Meriden, pupils’ literacy and numeracy skills are developed across the curriculum, as well as vocabulary, communication and social skills. Pupils’ artistic and creative talents are valued and promoted alongside design and IT skills; key to life in a fast paced technological society.
By the end of year 6, our pupils, regardless of gender, ability, social background or ethnicity, will have had the experiences needed to develop the academic skills, social, moral and cultural awareness that will enable them to be successful lifelong learners, both in secondary school and further into adult life.
We have developed a curriculum pledge which outlines how our Christian School Vision and Values shape and direct our curriculum.
D & T / STEM
