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We have very strong links with our local parish church, St Laurence.

We work closely with the church in finding opportunities for not only the children to visit the church but also for the 'church' to visit the children.

We have fostered links with the church with the support of the vicar, Reverend Kevin Flanagan. Recently, the children have enjoyed re-connecting with the church post-lockdown, exploring its setting and learning about some of its history. For harvest we also undertook an event called Experience Harvest where we were immersed in lots of activities of gratitude at this special time of the year. This borught together many willing volunteers from a range of Christian traditions.

We have very special events that are held at the church including Harvest, Christingle, Nativities and Easter amongst others. We enjoy using the church setting for children to experience the seasons of the Christian calendar in creative ways using the 'Experience' resources made by Jumping Fish.

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